Client: Océ-Technologies BV
Assignment: Combine customer interviews, new product information, creativity and entertainment for a two-day conference for Océ salespeople. Position Océ as a solutions provider rather than a ‘mere’ provider of hardware and software peripherals.
- Helping to ensure that the conference theme was integrated in all materials, from invitations and other printed materials to animated logos, speeches and décor
- Coordinating writing of texts for all sessions and supervising final editing of these texts
- Producing a tongue-in-cheek video history of the company that opened the show
- Creating and producing the video components of the show
- Helping to set up the video interviews of employees across Europe, Asia and the US
- Supervising the videotaping of several of these interviews, directing assembly of the finished clips and writing the live-speaker text that surrounded the clips
- Creating the scripts for live speakers, a live emcee and an actor who appeared throughout the presentations
- Supervising videotaping of employees from Groupware, a software division of Océ Technologies
- Working with live speakers, including the Océ CEO, to develop text about the company’s services and products
- Writing the text for and supervising the visuals for the multimedia ending
- Coordinating speakers on location
For more information about my role in live shows contact me.
Result: Script examples.
Excerpt from opening video Delivering the Difference
(Text on screen in Gold, ornate script: Once upon a time…)
Once upon a time…
(Picture brooding Dutch skies)
…in a dark, dark land…
…at the edge of a great forest…
(Pictures of dikes, windmills)
…or at least within spitting distance of a few windmills…
(Océ headquarters)
…there was a beautiful wide-format kingdom called Océ Design Engineering…
… where the good King of Diazo reigned.
How nice!
And yet, even then, way back in the NINETEEN EIGHTIES, a radical change in technology…
…had brought unrest to the kingdom.
Oh, my!
But not to worry Boys and Girls…
For we had a vision. (Birds begin to chirp on the soundtrack)
We had the will. (Harps begin to play on the soundtrack)
We had a Master Plan. (A chorus of heavenly voices begins to sing on the soundtrack/a cloud parts to reveal a golden shaft of light)
(A dark cloud shuts out the light, the music fumbles to a halt)
(voiceover With attitude)
We had a helluva long way to go!!
(Music changes to rock, a title slams onto the screen: Journey to the Critical Point)
(Voiceover and text on screen)
And you know it ain’t no fairy tale.
(Very fast montage of Océ history—various seminar visuals, the Océ 9800, 9700, 9600, 7700
Music builds to a crescendo and stops, voiceover continues)
(text on screen: 1990
The Master Plan
Strategies and Tactics for Design Engineering)
Yes, in 1990, we had a high volume, wide format, plain-paper copier. And nothing to counter Xerox in mid and low volume. But we had The Master Plan…strategies and tactics for design engineering. And it would be three long years before we had a full plain-paper range.
A tough three years.
(text on screen: Decisive Moves 1993 [with Chess piece]
The Move to Digital)
1993 marked our Decisive Move into digital.
With the acquired Océ 7700.
(the chess piece from ’95 and ’97 flash by)
(text on screen: Decisive Moves 1995
The Power of Digital)
In 1995, we introduced the Océ 9800…
… a milestone product for the wide format market.
End of exerpt
Excerpt from Delivering the Difference speech with video
(live speaker) But we also asked you for your opinion on the general objectives for WFPS.
We asked you about some of the critical points.
And this is what you said.
Swede 5: Thomas Norden, Product Marketing Manager, Océ Sweden, 06:00:38–00:46
I think the most critical issue is to manage the transition from a box mover to a solution provider. I think that’s the most important thing.
Swede 2: Finn O. Nilsen, Managing Director, Océ Sweden, 05:16:10 – 05:16:20
I think the most critical one is the timing to the market, for hardware and also for software products.
Japan 2: Mr. Suzuki, General Sales Manager, Océ Japan Corporation, 3648
These days, the customers themselves do not know the best way to operate. So our job is to propose a solution.
Swede 3: Görgen Raanaes, National Service Manager, Océ Sweden, 05:28:05 — 05:28:15
I believe it is to deliver really good quality services and to have the guts to invoice them.
Spain 6: Fernando Viles, WFPS Business Manager, Océ Spain: 08:33:57 — 08:34:08
On the short term, internet will be everywhere, but we should continue being a partner. For me the solution would be something like reliable
UK4: Adrian Axelsen, Business Development Manager TDS, Océ UK, 03:00:22 — 03:00: 36
I think the most critical point of success for the new TDS range of products and services is to understand at the beginning of a selling cycle is this just a standard product sale or is this one that should be processed with consultancy.
Mal Baboyian, Chief Operating Officer, Océ USA, 02:04:03 – 02:04:56
Well I think that we’ve brought, until now, the best solutions to our customers. There is no question that we have a superior product line and we’ve done a better job than the competition in providing that to our customer, especially the wide format line. Can we do a better job? Of course. Our customers will expect that in the future. Our core values are interesting. Core values distinguish us from the competition. These are ethical, professional, continuous improvement, respect for the individual and a commitment to winning. When we live by those, our customers will keep coming back to us.
(end of video/end of excerpt)
Client: Océ-Technologies BV
Assignment: Arrange, interview, write and produce video case studies as part of a larger customer show.